(484) 832-4300 if anyone wants to reach me for anything

No one survives this game.
Thank god that you still care,
'cause god knows I don't give a fuck anymore.

I miss you and love you lots too ♥
x x x
lets have a real ife lunch sometime...

Anyway, I'm back from my WHACK Job road trip, and my next musical offering caters to your early punk desires. It's:
PATTI SMITH, Stockholm, Sweden, Oct 3, 1976

And, the obligatory essay:
Before the Sex Pistols gave everyone a bloody nose with Pretty Vacant in '77, across the Atlantic came a poet and singer-songwriter pushing at the boundaries.
Bruce Springsteen came from North Jersey; Patti Smith came from South Jersey, where she once said: "We used to eat guys like Bruce for BREAKFAST!" Musically, she really came up from the New York scene where you had to be tough, streetwise and fiercely individual to succeed. Her debut album, Horses, offered first proof of her art. Her second album, Radio Ethiopia, went outside of conventional hard rock with the long title piece that set her as the rock 'n' roll nigger. Otherwise Ask The Angels and Pumpin' [My Heart] were attempts at chart action.
She spent as much of her time in Europe as she put her energies into touring the US. This has paid off as her fan base in Europe is loyal. This show in Stockholm features a number of "radio-friendly unit shifters" - covers of the Velvets, the Stones [Time Is On My Side] and Van Morrison's Gloria, all given the Patti Smith touch, i.e., swearing.
The allusion to Dylan in the bootleg's title is likely due to both artists being regarded as poets. On the sleeve of Radio Ethiopia, Smith dedicated the album to poets Arthur Rimbaud and Constantin Brncusi. Smith's poetry sits comfortably with European poets while Dylan unabashedly lists Woody Guthrie and American folk and blues music as his main influence. In that sense, she "never talked to Bob Dylan".
Dylan has since shifted away from being a spokesman for his generation. Smith remains committed to political causes and writes such songs and poems which she performs regularly. Despite that, she remains in the mainstream and was inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.
This show is an excellent representation of Smith's legendary stage antics (she'd get so into her performance that she once said she'd pissed herself and had even had an orgasm onstage) and remains a punk favourite. "Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, f*** the clock" was the count-in to Time Is On My Side. An FM stereo broadcast never officially released. Perhaps, like punk, metal and hardcore, Patti Smith and the outsiders are biding their time.
Anyway, check your email if you're interested.
Next selection will probably be A Silver Mt. Zion.
I think I should be more excited than I am, but I'm not. This last year there under the new director has been a grade-A pain in the ass. He took away our graduation ceremony, watered down our contest and open house, and started making rules just for the sake of making rules. But that's...
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And coz I can

Waiting for the winds of change
To sweep the clouds away
Waiting for the rainbows end
To cast its gold your way
Countless ways
You pass the days
Waiting for someone to call
And turn your world around
Looking for an answer to
The question you have found
Looking for
An open door
You dont get something for nothing
You dont get freedom for free...
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hi sweetie

Their style became known as the Prog Rock genre "Krautrock," but you can hear stuff in the music that has shades of protopunk, too. Like Prog with a 'Tude ("Progtitude," perhaps?).
Sadly, Klaus Dinger passed away earlier this year.

Anyway, check your email!
And, as always, let me know if the links I send work.
Here's some comments about the show I'm presenting to you for you to peruse while you await the downloads:
All that we can do is just survive
All that we can do to help ourselves is stay alive...
Ragged lines of ragged grey
Skeletons, they shuffle away
Shouting guards and smoking guns
Will cut down the unlucky ones
I clutch the wire fence until my fingers bleed
A wound that will not heal -- a heart that cannot feel --
Hoping that the horror...
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I don't know if you've read much of my journal or if you're aware at all of what I do, but I'm on a sort of hiatus from live performances, except an upcoming benefit I'm doing with a dual purpose - one is that any money that comes my way at the show (like the contents of my tip jar) will go to buying useful stuff for the troops in Afghanistan & Iraq & such and the other is that it's a grand opening of friends' new business and they're taking a loss on the benefit as well, so if me and anyone else I get to perform increases awareness of they're new place, then it can increase their business later and so their good deeds get rewarded so EVERYBODY benefits.

Oh, my original point was that I, whether with a band or not, do a lot of segueing from one song into the next and some of these musical juxtapositions become a regular part of my repertoire while others are more spontaneous and such.
Also, I love to acousticize great electric jams, and simplify complex pieces (such as RUSH stuff), so you may have just inspired me to rearrange more RUSH songs, perhaps even working out a whole short set of it. I've done that with the Dead Kennedys, The Ramones, The Clash, Yes, and some others, so . . .
. . . Thanks!
Just a thought. You seem to have a passion for music and a knack for more than just listening to it. In lieu of singing or playing an instrument you really should try your hand in it somehow.Not only might you satisfy something within you, but you might contribute to others' enjoyment of music as well.
Hearing your voice and knowing you're there makes it better