Alright guys - I'm calling on you, I want your help. My favorite charity To Write Love On Her Arms is trying to win a million dollars from Chase to help fun their IAMAlive online networking project.
All we need to do is vote and show our support to the organization. And honestly, I wouldn't put a cause up here unless I cared deeply for it. To Write Love On Her Arms is an organization that helps prevent suicide and teen depression. They have done so much in the past 5 years that I've known about them.
They started with one person - just one, a girl with a story and built an entire organization to help teens, to spread the message of hope in the best way they thought possible...and they are succeeding. So many people care so deeply about this cause, they follow the founder of this organization on myspace, facebook, twitter and around the world on concert tours because they believe in him and they believe in his message of hope.
And that's all it is. Hope. Something that seems so simple, something that is so easily lost and forgotten, something so fickle. All we need is hope, is love and for someone to care.

Honestly guys it takes no time at all. PLEASE VOTE! If you want to do more buy a t-shirt and help fund raise. Read the story, and pass it along. Make this your Facebook, Myspace, Twitter status.
And honestly I cannot stress enough how much this isn't a once a year thing. BE A SUPPORTER, even if you don't have time to follow the organization, to read the blogs the founder puts out, to attend an event...take it upon yourself to notice those around you. Family, friends, co-workers who go through tough times. Ask them how they are - listen to their story or spread your own.

thloha.com - VOTE HERE through their website
Vote Here - Through CHASE Community Giving on Facebook
Thanks so much Faye! You and I will work together one of these days!

I did this when I saw your twitter status! It's nice to see people interested in others. Most people I know don't care about things if it doesn't directly effect them. You're a great person!