I'm thinking about changing my profession. I have been for awhile.
My job doesn't "fit". It's fine, it's "cushy" I work from home three days a week and it's awesome right now because I travel back and forth to visit Sound a lot.
But I'm moving. We're moving. We're starting new and I'm excited for this. Since there is already so much change about to happen I might as well change this too in hopes of being happier. School again? (I'll do it, but BLAH to the debt!). I think it's needed though - I've always just fallen into things and nothing has suited me. I have this creative little mind and I need to make better use of it. I also need a job where I feel like I'm DOING something, making a difference.
My friend John recently did some personality test thing because he's at a cross roads in his life. Nothing is working for him, where he lives, the job, the girlfriend. He's like me in the sense that he just tries things in hopes of finding someplace that just works. He was ranting and raving about this the other day and wants me to take it, it might happen tonight. I'm interested in seeing what comes up as is he. He likes to think that he "pegs" people well - right now he has me in a group called the artisans. I don't think he'll be far off.
Just thinking....also - has anyone who actually reads my blogs successfully immigrated to the US? I've been reading through a TON of shit lately and need some advice. Let me know!
Other than not being able to concentrate on work at ALL things are awesome. We're hibernating and being love bugs still (don't tell him I said that). Weather is getting colder and with all the back and forth I just feel like staying in. I've been in pjs, huge wool socks, toques and blankets since I got here. Good thing I'm marrying the best cuddler this world has to offer.
Still overwhelmingly completely in love.

I'm insanely busy and will remain so for the rest of the month, I'm behind at my job.
Behind with the website (but hopefully fixing that this weekend)
I have a ton of concerts, shows, shoots and a Halloween party coming up plus the boy's birthday which I'm traveling back for.
But I'll get you some pictures of the rings for those of you who have asked and I have some cute pics of us that have been taken recently that I wanna put up as well. When this will be I have no freakin idea.
Happy Lil Bunny - over and out
Guess what? I'm headed back to Toronto next week. I'll be there from Oct 16 to Nov 6 

what shows / concerts are you going to? i wanna see some pics of you guys!