First - my new website that I've been working so so hard on opens this Wednesday!!! July 15th. Squeee!!!
Please check it out, tell me what you think, the site is up right now but you wont be able to get in, however there are teasers and different things.

Secondly - my picture is the pic of the week on Adipositivity.com again!!!! Wooooo - AND also I was up two weeks ago (with my favorite picture from the shoot - the one with the legs).

The site is for a great cause - size acceptance, it has some beautiful photography - PLEASE CHECK IT OUT! If you are a girl with gorgeous curves they are ALWAYS looking for models if you live around NY.
Impromptu set I did with my webcam for someone I've been crushing on that I ended up loving so much that I put up here. It's NOT in PSW and friends only. Take a look leave some love.

Faye : When.Left.Alone
HOLY CRAP too much about me! Lets move on to GSP!
Alright, I have a lil something to say about this....I really before meeting Mr_C had NO freakin idea who this kid was. Not into UFC, didn't know any fighters etc. He introduced me to it a little bit just through talking about, he was his favorite fighter, he had a girl friend who had a total crush on him and he kind of sparked my interest. Not until last night UFC 100 did I see a fight.
And now...I'm totally on the GSP bandwagon. Normally I'm totally not into BIG guys (no that he's big compared to fuckin lesnar that guy is a MONSTER), but you know guys who are always at the gym etc. Not that, that is a bad thing, it's just normally not MY thing. And with GSP it's not about that either. I like that he's a great fighter, a well rounded fight, I like that he's humble...that he doesn't let emotion take over, I don't know anything but I couldn't really see him ending a fight like Henderson or Lesner did last night. And I like that about him. Plus you know....he's Canadian AND from Montreal which
makes it all the more better. And he's totally cute in his little karate kid get up when he walks in. BUT - I was talking to John and like...I dunno I want him to be married. I want him to be that type of guy - just good hearted, talented, polite, married....ANYWAYS, I'm babbling, point is - I'm with all the ladies and Mr_C - GSP = Awesome
Other Stuff....
I have HUGE crushes right now...like HUGE, one on a girl in a way that I have NEVER crushed on a girl before. It's totally taking over, she feels the same and I'm just getting lost in it, but in the very best of ways. And....there is this guy Noah who just....floors me. We talk non stop and it's still just not enough. He's become my best friend and so much more, any day that we don't talk I feel like a piece of me is missing. This feeling is all consuming and I ever want it to end.
Montreal summer has been cold and rainy, it feels like October or something! So honestly, I've been enjoying it more than most summers haha. I would love to see you next time I pass through your town so I will hound you with e-mails whenever I end up there.