1. I'm going back to TO tomorrow!!! I get in at 6am on Saturday and I cannot wait to sleep in my own bed!!!
(the first part of the vacation rocked, the second half not so much...I would completely come back to Mexico though, I'd just do it differently next time.)
2. I fell asleep in the sun today...FUCKKKKKK half of me is white and half of me is red. I look like an asshole. The part that got burnt the most is my nose....so I fucking look like rudolph or something. BLAH! Hopefully it'll fade quickly that or I'll work at home for the next month. haha
3. When I go home I'm going to be straight edge for a month. See how it goes....right now I drink very little and I smoke a bit when my anxiety acts up. The last time I was drunk was in November, the time before that was a year ago for Lee's 25th Birthday. We're talking drunk drunk, I've been tipsy in between but nothing insane. Not enough to make a difference in my life. So why do it at all?
4. Also when I get home James is going to help me out with a work out plan! Wooooo!!! I'm excited, we've been going to the gym since the New Year but I haven't lost anything because I've been scared to (I needed to be a certain weight for my site). Well not I'm in charge and I want to drop the weight I originally put on for it, not a crazy amount. I'll never been a skinny girl, but I'm looking forwarded to feeling better.
5. April and May are going to be BUSY - I'm hopefully heading to MTL over Easter Weekend and I have a girls party weekend in New York at the end of the month to promote the re-launch of my site. Plus I have to shoot a whole bunch of new content for the site, approve all the new layouts etc. But I have fun doing that type of stuff. Honestly I'm not the type of girl that relaxes well anyways so I'm kind of looking forward to being a busy bee again, only more on my own schdule rather than someone elses.

6. Things are weird in general with me right now. I'm changing, in good ways. Not taking anymore bullshit from people. I feel like I'm moving into a "Fuck You" type of phase. We'll see how that goes.
What are you doing this weekend?
Where was the last place you went to vacation?
Have you ever had a horrible vacation?
If you could go anywhere tomorrow where would it be and why?
What do you currently daydream about?
If you could say FUCK YOU to one person in your life right now who would it be?

2) The Bahamas. We went on a company trip. Then 6 months later I was let go from my job. Great vacation though. It was a cruise. Cruises are awesome and not full of old people like I thought
3) Well I have never had a 'horrible' vacation per se but I had a vacation that had horrible bits. I went back to the UK with my ex so she could meet my parents. That part was fine. She however hated the fact that I was shorter than her, so weverytime we went out, I had to wear these shoes which boosted my height. They were super painful though. She made me feel like crap for being short
4) Montreal. I have fond memories of that city. It seems so alive. There or Tokyo.
5) Sex. I know that seems like such an obvious answerbut it has been a while...
6) ED