Is in Mexico but kind of just wants to be back at home with time off so she can run around having fun with the people that mean the most to her.
Mental Note for the future - only take vacations with people you like. haha
you are in mexico? where...not near the city i guess...hope you are having a great time...and if the people traveling with you is giving you a bad time..just go and find some one new to chat!
babe, yeah i meant did you get the paintings i liked and what i liked about them - i just didn't hear anything so wanted to make sure it didn't go into your junk mail. i want you to paint it whenever you are ready there is no rush
when you are in the mood my dear! also, no surprise about jenn. that always happens when you are really stoked on something, everything else just seems to turn into lolipops. but yes the getting fuzzy date sounds good you just let me know and i'm down.