1. There are far too many guys/men/boys in or surrounding my life right now that really just need to
GROW SOME BALLS. It's honestly the most frustrating thing ever. I really just want to walk up to every single one of them give them a piece of my mind and just like "what the fuck are you doing, man up". (But I'm too polite for that even though I talk all big and bad here. )
2. Whatever happened to
class? You know like "have some class" not necessarily being "classy" but being polite, having manners, conducting oneself in an appropriate manner. I'm not all about this all the time, and maybe I spent way too much time with my British grandmother when I was younger....but some people have NO CLASS, NONE, CLASSES and it really disgusts me sometimes.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
My roommate's friend/old roommate from in early 20s visited last week. They hadn't seen each other for 5 years haven't been in any sort of constant contact for 10 years. He was really excited to see him and totally talked him up.
Of course right before he goes to him he drops the "oh by the way he thinks your really hot" bomb. I roll my eyes, don't believe him and go to shower cause I had just gotten back from the gym. Dude gets to our house between 10pm-11pm on a "work night" so we're just chillin. Like no make up, yoga pants, hair naturally curly type chillin.
James has a couple drinks with this dude, then him and Lee go to bed. I'm still working so I was like I'm up for awhile it's all good. If he needs anything I'm around. As soon as they leave - dude is like come sit with me in the living room - fine. Move all my work in there, and he starts telling me his fucking drunken life story. Italian mob - how "honest" living is so hard so he just sets up grow ops all the time and is on unemployment - crashed his gfs car and fled the scene so she broke up with him (which he doesn't get)....etc...etc....etc
Then he starts prancing around trying to hook things up to the TV and his pants are like falling off his ass, he has NO undwear on and I don't want to even get into it, so I just keep working, listen, don't look (cause EW). He goes into the bathroom, comes out and is like "omg why didn't you tell me my pants were half down my ass" - "I didn't really notice and was trying to be polite" then he pulls his pants down and starts walking around our fucking living me showing me his ass ?!??!?!?!??!!?!??! (Cause that turns a girl ON! WTF?!?)
The only reason I'm still even partly humoring him at this time is because the fucker spilt his RED wine all over our WHITE carpet and I was trying to get that shit out before the roommates saw it and flipped.
When he finally sits down - starts talking about how his last gf and him had all these 3somes, he would never be in a relationship that wasn't openly sexual blah blah blah blah blah - tells me how he loves eating pussy, tells me what types of pussy he likes, asks me what type of pussy I have, starts DEMONSTRATING how he gives oral . And in the end asks me to let him do hooter shooters out of my tits.
Seriously, no fucking class. Not to mention the fact that I was basically making fun of him and being completely sarcastic the entire time and he didn't get the point. So fucking sad that this guy is 34 and this is the way he goes about getting women.
In the end - we got the stain out of the carpet.
Don't get me wrong some women are just as bad. No fucking shame, not fucking class and it really is just beyond me sometimes.
3. I was flirting with Caitsey all night last night and now I have an even bigger crush on her.
2 dayssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
3. You and me both