So, I guess there is something wrong with me lately?
Cause my roommate who is suppose to be my best friend is acting like he's sick of me. He's still ok at "face value" but I know him too well. Only, I don't know what I did. I don't think I did anything since I've been sick since Friday. It sucks cause I totally don't feel very welcome like, they always eat without me now and go and do things all the time without me when we used to totally act like a cute little family. He just acts like having me around is so annoying when I like...hide in my room unless I'm with him.
It just sucks because I'm insanely sick and we were suppose to go to MTL to move all my stuff this weekend and he totally just backed out of it. Like? GREAT so I drive there and back all by myself and move all the heavy fucking shit all by myself too THANKS!!! It doesn't really matter, I've done the drive by myself before...he's just totally ditching me and that's exactly what it feels like.
And my boss is fucking weird lately. He acts like he can't stand me - hangs up on me when he calls to ask me for things when I'm clarifying what it is he actually wants....and tells me I look like shit.
.....oh....and I have strep throat too now......greeeeeeaaaaatttttt
Love it!