I had the best talk ever with my mister last night.
The TTC is on strike so I didn't have to work today. (Bad for money but other wise SWEET!)
I think I found the PEEEERFECT dress for this freakin wedding next month (Ima look HOT and Audrey Hepburn like!)
I want a site like this:
Can you saw HAWT?!
I'm back to feeling sexy.
I want to wear Betsey Johnson dresses every mother fucking day.
*loves to all
yeh it gets to the point that I just bite my tongue in fear that i will make someone go oh no not again but then that just makes me feel worse.
I had a betsy johnson dress circa 1991...but i think someone stole it or it is at my parents house. I went to the store picked it out for my after prom dress. It was a little gothic like thing but I loved it...also once had an anna sui dress too. yes I am a fat label whore...