black vs. white vs. faye
Already today has been BLAH - all these people came to the house and woke me the fuck up. I didn't know it was happening and didn't know the answers to any of their questions and it was just NEVER fucking ending. Water guy, Phone guy, Water guy again, Builder guy, Builder and Phone guy.
I tried to catch up on message I was behind on...big messages, updates to friends that aren't around who actually need GOOD written emails with pictures. I'm still not done, I got half way through...blah I just feel like I'm disappointing them lately. My poor lil Mo is having a rough go of it as well which makes me feel even worse.
AND THEN - my tattoo that isn't healing well at all decide to like erupt and bleed all over my kitchen floor....great. Now he's all bandaged and sad. I blame Sound for giving me the "ANGRY ARM"
what u get when u make me wear a pink fucking dress....
I'm into mini sets lately...and squares...for whatever reason.