I'm finding it REALLY hard to keep my fucking mouth shut lately. I have been but just barely.
I'm in still one of those little phases where I just have to much to fucking say. About me, about life, about the people in my life, only....I don't which is probably toxic. I do not know the status of my life in any area...like at all and it's really fucking frustrating. In my opinion you need to know at least ONE thing in your life is good, have ONE thing that is working out and that you can count on. Right now, that's just not there...
I'm going to stop writing these for awhile cause...no one needs to know any of this. I have one person in my life right now who has really made me realize how much of what I say simply just doesn't matter. So, I'm going to just go with that....I'll be in my other blog place if you know where it is you can find me there.
Nothing matters, that's the whole joke. Get it?
best advice: say whatever is on your mind. it can help more than you think.