Sometimes I walk to the metro after work (only now it's called the subway cause I live in TO, but I still call it the metro cause I think it's cuter and it's all Quebec Stylez) and I've been noticing how extremely cute the neighborhood I work in is. It has these amazing little treasure that you find only when you're FORCED to walk from one point to another.
I found this awesome little clay studio that gives lessons, but they're super small. I want to go when I have more money, I took clay in art college but I sucked because I wasn't patient enough to throw on the wheel. Now though patience is really something I'm trying to learn (and failing miserably at) and I think it may help.
Also, I could this little cute yarn store, only it's "hip" and on Tuesday they have like knitting nights. I walked back last Tuesday and there were all these really cute lesbians in there, drinking tea and knitting really cool toques and shit. So, I kinda wanna join that as that...cause I need friends yo! One of the girls reminded me so much of Amy (Eli).
AND there is this awesome vintage store that had a betsey johnson dress in the window...GORGEOUS, if only I was a size like 2. HAHAHA.
I'm dieing for new ink lately...I've wanted the same things for forever and I just never fucking go. Of course, I am broke right now...but whatever. I really want a Bro tat but I dunno if anyone loves me that much. Sound just said "lets get bro tats!" and I told him not to tease me cause I REALLY REALLY want one, so we'll see. We're suppose to get our lips tattooed together as well (lets see if he remembers that!).
I might do dreads...we'll see, totally thinking about it cause I never fucking do my hair and it looks like shit.
I need to read more, explore more, take more pictures, do more yoga and drink more tea. I'm losing all my cuteness because I'm so freakin busy at work. I'm kinda like, the boss now and it's really strange. Before I actually had my first day I thought I was gonna be a mean boss - but I'm not. I'm a nice boss, I let my whole fucking team leave two hours early today cause the owners weren't there. I have a TON of responsibility though and sooooooooooooooooooo much to do, I work like 10=12 hour days every day, weekends, holidays....and I still feel like I shouldn't leave cause I'm not done everything. I love it though. I like jobs like this, where I work with one main person, I have a lot of responsibility and I like knowing that if I wasn't there things would crumble. No one has ever needed me that way in life or I've never had that feeling...even with friends and family I've always been so very replaceable. So, it's nice for once. I asked my boss today how he thinks it's going so far - I've been there for 6 days, 4 without my staff and 2 with...and I just wanted to know if he thought I was doing a good job so far. He totally misunderstood my question but he still told me that if he had it his way he would fire the majority of the people who work there and start from scratch with just himself, his wife, our production girl and myself. I was like WOW, that's a huge thing to say especially when I haven't even been there for a week. Plus he likes the fact that I'm straight forward, not shy and somewhat a little mouthy (when I need to be) when it comes to business, I get to wear jeans every single day and keep my facial piercing so fuck, you can't go wrong right!
Most of my worries have faded because of all the work that I've been doing which in my mind is a good thing. I spend way too much time worrying about things that I don't really have any control over. I think I have good reason's just my nature to go over board with it. I still am stressed but it's a good kind of stress instead of a bad kind of stress.
40 days until my mister is here. UGH, this is the longest that we've gone without seeing each other and it fucking SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! I miss him.

Mmmmmmmmm I think that's it for now.
How are you?
Do you honestly like your job?
What was your last dream about?
Have you ever gotten flowers? What kind? From who?
OH, and I want cute vintage looking lingerie, AND a stripper pole AND a pet panda bear.
Now I'm going to sleep.
How are you?
tired. im either hyper or tired. no in between.
honestly...its way too comfy..its like home..but shittier.
What was your last dream about?
last dream i can remember was me and some friend driving down the service drive off the expressway that i live on ..over and over and over..while Amy Winehouse was singing on the side of the off ramp ..on somebodies mic's or amps visible..but the sound was boomin' ...very strange.
Have you ever gotten flowers? What kind? From who?
I got flowers once from a girl a couple years ago. I gave them to my mum.