I need some tips.
I moved about a month ago and ever since I've been kinda bad to my body. Giving her junk, weighing her down with way too much stress, more than she can handle. Drinking a lot more than I normally do ect ect ect.
She needs to feel better again.
I've been better about the food thing for the past couple days. I still can't sleep...but I started doing yoga in hopes that stretching all my muscles out will make me feel less....tight and pressured all the time. I might do a fast for 3-5 days....so my system can sort of clean out....ugh.
I disgust me right now.
What do you do when you feel like this?
One thing that has made me happy lately is that I found some Vans like shoes, pure black for a really good price. If you don't really pay attention recently Vans has 6 LA artist do a series of shoes for them that is completely awesome. It's always advertised in Juxtapoz mag. So I'm going to buy some and paint them up all awesome like.
I already got myself a pair, I want to do a pair for Dave and probably for my brother as well. I'm totally excited about the idea. YAY YAY YAY
Mix with meditation.
Repeat as necessary.
Then again, I keep telling myself that. It's a matter of actually doing it.
Best of luck.