~ Blue Like Jazz
~ Project Runway reruns
~ Too many really bad horror shit that should never have been made in the first place
(cause I'm a fan of really bad horror movies)
~ Straight Hair
~ No make up - healthy skin
~ Sleepless nights
~ Tears
~ Tons of ideas but no actual work
~ Missing the most important people
~ Grinch Behavior
~ Disappointment
~ Itches I don't want to scratch
I have this kitty, his name is Smucklesmonster. I don't really like kitties in genereal, but I'm "different" and he's "different" so, we get along. He's also the coolest kitty I know. In the past he's been my little partner. He would follow me around endlessly and tell me stories. He would chill in my sunny art studio all day with me and cuddle with me at night.
He got me through some really lonely times, because I was never really alone if he was there. That may sound a little stupid, cause...he's just a kitty, but we were buds.
I really miss him....and I want him back.
you don't want to quit me either
Where did he go? Did he die or was he taken?