I've somehow got sucked into watching Big Brother, which is silly because I hate it, and yet I find myself sitting there everynight so engrossed in the car crash of a programme that I shout at the tv.
Even more disturbing I really wish to know all the words to Pete's werewolf song, I only got the first two lines when he was singing it;
Werewolf, werewolf, when the sun goes down
Werewolf, werewolf, his hair is brown
On another note, I absolutely love the beta site, and now I am loosing many hours just wandering around the site doing something that looks a little like this
Even more disturbing I really wish to know all the words to Pete's werewolf song, I only got the first two lines when he was singing it;
Werewolf, werewolf, when the sun goes down
Werewolf, werewolf, his hair is brown
On another note, I absolutely love the beta site, and now I am loosing many hours just wandering around the site doing something that looks a little like this

I'm kinda getting used to the site, but I still wish I could view more than 3 of my friends' journals at a time.