Yet another orientation today. That's three in one week! One thing I've learned, going on my third graduate degree now, is that they never stop trying to 'prepare' you for or indoctrinate you into their university system. Really, it's more like an introduction to the new bureauocracy. It tells you, in a lesson of sorts, that there will be things you must attend, you will get nothing out of them, but your attendance will have been recognized. Content = minimum, Importance = high. Content = helpful, importance = optional.
Of course, after they've got you to the point where you think you don't have to pay attention, then they throw one vital piece of information your way. It's a needle in a haystack. If you don't see it, you'll have to spend an extra year making up for it.
That's university life. Or, anyway, my least favorite part of it.
Of course, after they've got you to the point where you think you don't have to pay attention, then they throw one vital piece of information your way. It's a needle in a haystack. If you don't see it, you'll have to spend an extra year making up for it.
That's university life. Or, anyway, my least favorite part of it.
The University system (UC?) is one of the most bizarre bureaucratic systems ever concieved. The politics are vicious, the intrigue fascinating...
bureaucratic bullshit... *scoffs*