Wednesday Jul 09, 2003 Jul 9, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email Rob is dancing around in his undies and my bearskin blankie like a loon doing the moonwalk VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS chrono01: I'm doing the "Zombie Dance". which basically consists of tapping your toes, wiggling your wrists and ears. That's about all I can do. So you're into the Potter books eh? S' a really good series. sucks about having to wait another few decades for the next book tho... Jul 10, 2003 lemarie17: Now I don't feel that bad that I'm buzzed and high. Just came home from a rousing night at the Shamrock in Clifton w/Bri & the hometown girls. Akk, it;s hard to type. Rock on funky-pants!! Jul 10, 2003
So you're into the Potter books eh? S' a really good series. sucks about having to wait another few decades for the next book tho...