So, Im officially a resident of Long Beach now. I finished moving the last of my stuff yesterday. I hate moving, but then again who enjoys it. Maybe the guys that get paid to do, but I bet they probably pay someone else to move their stuff. I like Long Beach , I mean Ive been here before, but its different when you live here....
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aaarrrhhg.....what else can happen. I got up this morning and my car wouldn't start. I spent $165.00 to have a it towed, then spent $40.00 to get a ride back home with an insane tow truck driver. The guy was going 80 mph down Slauson in a huge tow truck....quite a ride. The ironic part is every time someone cut him off, he would mutter...
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Today, work kind of sucked, very long, lots on annoying people, but it's over now. Actually, work has been very annoying all week. It always seems like someone else is off, and I'm the one that has to cover everything they do. Of course, when I ask for a day off, the response is "Well... so and so is already off, let see how it...
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I have no friends....well at least not on here, other then my girlfriend, but thats all okay, thats all I need. Although, maybe if I were to actually type entries in my journal someone would take sympathy and offer there friendship. Wow, this really sounds pathetic now, honest I'm not as pathetic as this sounds. I have friends, really I do....now I sound needy. I...
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just trying to figure out how this works...... confused