- on arsenic's blog post
- on kelpie_'s blog post
- on Sell: ElexaStar's clothing needs to go! in the swap meet
- on SELL: Acacia's Stuff! <3 in the swap meet
- on faune's blog post
- on SELL: Acacia's Stuff! <3 in the swap meet
So, my account expires in 3 days. I'm not going to re-up, because 1) I don't have the money and 2) SG is woefully dead-seeming these days, especially the groups that I love. There hasn't been posts in most of them for weeks or months D: that makes me a little sad, but maybe the many friendships I've made here will follow me past SG
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So, my birthday happened. I'm 23. Should I be excited?
I suppose I am, in a way. Mostly I'm excited about where I am in life (read: right on the edge) than where I am chronologically. My birthday was very mellow, and very smoky ^-^ I had a Portland friend drive up to Vancouver to visit me in my new home. Didn't go out or...
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I don't think I'll mind much when my subscription runs out...
My first set for Zivity is up! I have adored the atmosphere and artistic energy of Zivity ever since I discovered it, and I have finally made the step to being a model for the site. I'm still not quite sure HOW to use the site yet though, and I need friends and fans! So please please, whether you're a model, photographer or a member,
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Hey, guys. Just a quick mid-month update. My month membership here on SG should be lapsing soon; I won't be around anymore unless some lovely person wants to pay for my account, ha ha. I just got back some fashion shots back from a shoot on the 27th (see below), and I am absolutely in love with them. They're just basic shots on a white...
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It's been a full month since I last updated. Since then, I've started nesting on my friend/girlfriend's living room floor with my fiance, like a couple of displaced birds. I prefer the word displaced over homeless. I technically have a home - it just isn't mine. It isn't the best set-up, but we take what we can get. I'm a tad worried about...
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But as far as your not having a place and your leaving SG

My Tumblr is all new. All new pictures, links, URL AND purpose! Go follow me, send me stupid anon asks, or submit me photos of your naked body to post! This blog is my baby and has/will have links to all of my content sites and other fun things, and will basically be the center of operations for my modeling. This is extra...
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Ooh, that's hot!

Welp, did some clothes shopping today...
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by the way that profile pic of your is so cute

So far, March hasn't been too eventful modeling wise. I've done a few self shot sets at home, but nothing to write home to mother about. I have big plans for some photos here soon, and if it actually all turns out it will be the best work I've done. I've been browsing various sites and agencies...I'm not 100% decided on...
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I went to the chiropractor again today for the third time in a row. We...
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