It's been too long since I've written anything on suicidegirls. Lots of cool thing happening... it's been almost a year since I got arrested for a bunch of things involving hitting a tree, after 4 years I've finally chosen History as my major, and I also got the job I was talking about in way back in 2006 - working at the hospital running admissions for the entire hospital. Well, I'm out of stuff to say, I'm not big on monolgue...
More Blogs
Thursday Nov 17, 2011
Well, it's been six months, so time for a new post. I'm nearing the e… -
Thursday May 19, 2011
I think I update this blog like once a year. I seem to be endlessly b… -
Monday Sep 13, 2010
I am so tired. -
Friday Aug 13, 2010
Got out of jail at 2 am last night. Were the last two weeks only a… -
Monday Jul 26, 2010
I am going to jail Friday for two weeks. -
Saturday May 15, 2010
die antwoord So I think these guys are a joke to most people, but … -
Tuesday Sep 15, 2009
I am REALLY tired of reading about Africa. I should probably have don… -
Sunday May 10, 2009
My kitty got hit by a car. I had to bury it before my last final. -
Monday May 04, 2009
I want this week to end so I can drink. -
Thursday Mar 20, 2008
So, my roommate's girlfriend just got fired from her job as RA, so no…
Canada's kind of cool right now. When the snow leaves, we'll be all ok!