What a shitty day. I got back from Europe yesterday, which by the way was awesome. Anyway, i get home, and not only have my roomates not cleaned while I was gone but they have further trashed the house. Plus i had to work last night so I ended up being up for 30 hours yesterday before I finally got to sleep. Then to top things off I was supposed to be going to see the Violent Femmes today but the person i was supposed to go with was in a car accident and got pretty banged up and can't go. Plus I'm just really depreessed because ireland was so awsome and now I have to go back to my boring ass life until next year.
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 10, 2005
It's wierd most people get depressed when they miss someone. Not me,I… -
Monday Jun 27, 2005
Finally, a day off. I slept most of it though. After I got off this m… -
Friday Jun 24, 2005
I had a terrible night. I came home from work and the deviding gate t… -
Tuesday Jun 21, 2005
Well it's 6:39 and i'm still awake. I have got to clean up. I hate li… -
Monday Jun 20, 2005
Last night was cool. My roommates and I went to see Batman Begins wit… -
Sunday Jun 19, 2005
Finally i got some sleep last night. I will be all screwed up come to… -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
Shit, can't sleep. Too many pills. Gotta work in 2 hours. Shit. I don… -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. Still no comments. I really ne… -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
Finally got some sleep. Only slept for around 3 hours though and now … -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
Ah my first entry, I promise not to sound like a whiner. Had wierd ni…