Happiness can be bought for a little more than free. But am i really happy? I think not. There is always an undercurrent of unhappiness. The pain is always there. I try to push it away, hide in the bottom of a bottle absinthe, at the end of a razor blade. Still the pain always comes back. I should be happy. Pain is relative, and after 4 and a half years in the Army, watching friends get fucked up, die, or just slowly go insane, or after 2 and half years in prison watching friends get fucked up, die or just slowly go insane, i should be happy with all the good things in my life. But this pain is different. Pain at the hands of someone I love. Unintentional to be sure, but there nonetheless. If i didn't feel so unbelievably good when i'm with her I probably woulda walked by now, but I can't, i just can't. i guess I'm just Holden Fucking McNeil, most frequent traveler on the road that is not the path of least resistance.
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 28, 2005
Does anyone know what happened to Badsun? -
Saturday Aug 27, 2005
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Monday Aug 15, 2005
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Tuesday Aug 09, 2005
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