Easy all, ben a few days since the last update, sorry!
Tell me, why do things happen, is it divine justice for things that may have happened in the past, is it because the earths soul is sick of our useless society, sick of mindless destruction caused by our own people, we're all the same on the inside, we all have hearts that beat, and we all have brains that think, granted some dont really use the latter, but we're all the same.
It seems to me like the earths soul is being killed off by our endless wars, hatred, murder, rape, did we really evolve from single celled creatures to the civilisation we are today, just so we could wage war, steal from others very similar to ourselves and con people, i dont think so!
With all that has happened over the last 9 months, first the horrific Tsunami in Asia, then one of the largest hurricanes i believe Britain has ever seen, someone i know was taken to hospital with a piece of a car inserted into there chest, and finally right now, there is a massive worry going out to the people who have been effected by the katerina incident, what will happen next?
I donr believe in god, i'm not too sure if i believe in anything at all anymore, i used to think it was a nice idea to believe in something, it kept people from being alone when they had no-one, but with all the horrible thigns that are happening in the world, i dont see how anyone can believe in there being a god anymore. Its up to us to create a better world, by ending world hunger, by stopping war, by not attepmting to steal oil from countries that once dealt with you, and stopped!
I'm not sure about the rest of you, but i believe in my PUNK heritage, i believe that we should be an equal world, we should stop the wars, stop the anger from everyone, it's our world now, were the ones who will have to bring our children up in it, were the ones who will feel the after effects, war, pollution racial hatred, i dont think its fair to have a world evolve arround me without my opinion being noticed, without my views being aired.
As if the world we live in isn't hard enough, my so called equal government, are now turning against anyone who wants to make a scene: An old age person, retired Vicar at that, has recently been imprisoned for refusing to pay a coucil tax bill of nearly 600, his bill was raised higher than the inflation rate by something stupid, 28 days he's been sentenced for not paying, and there not ending this, he still has to pay when he leaves or he'll go back in again, old people in this country cant afford to pay 600 for council tax, what do we get for it? Our bins are emptied once a week, then they arrive at fucking 6:30am, who's up at that time in the morning, i'm bastard not! It also pays for our police, which sounds alright, but, were going back a few months now, there was a few of us out Wednesday night, and a bit of a scuffle broke out, my friend Adam went over to see what had happened and to get anyone we know out of it (Usually Paul) he was head butted in the face twice, obviously not a really bad accident, but then it took 3 hours for the police to arrive at our house, and when they got there, they told us they will not be pressing charges as they want this twat for some possession charges, if they wanted someone on possession charges i would have handed myself in, they then had to rush off as there was only 4 member of the police on duty all night, it's not that small here, a population of nearly 50,000. Other than that i'm not too sure what else it pays for, oh wait a minute the recycling people, who come arround and get any recycling you want to give them, i've had a box outside my house for four weeks now, nothing, so again what am i paying for?
right well i feel that my rate has gone on long enough, i hope you all feel a little bit better after hearing my section of free speech, well reading, if you want any more rants i try to email them as soon as i can so that the people who i class as friends and love can feel the way i feel as and when i feel it, so please forward your emails to fatkris@gmail.com, and i'll tell you all the little things that i'm trying to change.
Oh before i go, i was conversing wth my lady last night, had a few joints, couple of ale's, were now trying to get married September 2006, and were going to start trying for a little boy KOBY or DILL, but if Emma has her way a little girl AUBREY or EVIE.
Peace out!
Tell me, why do things happen, is it divine justice for things that may have happened in the past, is it because the earths soul is sick of our useless society, sick of mindless destruction caused by our own people, we're all the same on the inside, we all have hearts that beat, and we all have brains that think, granted some dont really use the latter, but we're all the same.
It seems to me like the earths soul is being killed off by our endless wars, hatred, murder, rape, did we really evolve from single celled creatures to the civilisation we are today, just so we could wage war, steal from others very similar to ourselves and con people, i dont think so!
With all that has happened over the last 9 months, first the horrific Tsunami in Asia, then one of the largest hurricanes i believe Britain has ever seen, someone i know was taken to hospital with a piece of a car inserted into there chest, and finally right now, there is a massive worry going out to the people who have been effected by the katerina incident, what will happen next?
I donr believe in god, i'm not too sure if i believe in anything at all anymore, i used to think it was a nice idea to believe in something, it kept people from being alone when they had no-one, but with all the horrible thigns that are happening in the world, i dont see how anyone can believe in there being a god anymore. Its up to us to create a better world, by ending world hunger, by stopping war, by not attepmting to steal oil from countries that once dealt with you, and stopped!
I'm not sure about the rest of you, but i believe in my PUNK heritage, i believe that we should be an equal world, we should stop the wars, stop the anger from everyone, it's our world now, were the ones who will have to bring our children up in it, were the ones who will feel the after effects, war, pollution racial hatred, i dont think its fair to have a world evolve arround me without my opinion being noticed, without my views being aired.
As if the world we live in isn't hard enough, my so called equal government, are now turning against anyone who wants to make a scene: An old age person, retired Vicar at that, has recently been imprisoned for refusing to pay a coucil tax bill of nearly 600, his bill was raised higher than the inflation rate by something stupid, 28 days he's been sentenced for not paying, and there not ending this, he still has to pay when he leaves or he'll go back in again, old people in this country cant afford to pay 600 for council tax, what do we get for it? Our bins are emptied once a week, then they arrive at fucking 6:30am, who's up at that time in the morning, i'm bastard not! It also pays for our police, which sounds alright, but, were going back a few months now, there was a few of us out Wednesday night, and a bit of a scuffle broke out, my friend Adam went over to see what had happened and to get anyone we know out of it (Usually Paul) he was head butted in the face twice, obviously not a really bad accident, but then it took 3 hours for the police to arrive at our house, and when they got there, they told us they will not be pressing charges as they want this twat for some possession charges, if they wanted someone on possession charges i would have handed myself in, they then had to rush off as there was only 4 member of the police on duty all night, it's not that small here, a population of nearly 50,000. Other than that i'm not too sure what else it pays for, oh wait a minute the recycling people, who come arround and get any recycling you want to give them, i've had a box outside my house for four weeks now, nothing, so again what am i paying for?
right well i feel that my rate has gone on long enough, i hope you all feel a little bit better after hearing my section of free speech, well reading, if you want any more rants i try to email them as soon as i can so that the people who i class as friends and love can feel the way i feel as and when i feel it, so please forward your emails to fatkris@gmail.com, and i'll tell you all the little things that i'm trying to change.
Oh before i go, i was conversing wth my lady last night, had a few joints, couple of ale's, were now trying to get married September 2006, and were going to start trying for a little boy KOBY or DILL, but if Emma has her way a little girl AUBREY or EVIE.
Peace out!