I never have time to update anymore. It is to busy at work and I still have no computer at home. I am still looking for a new job, waiting for a call back on a second interview for a job I really want. We will see what happens. I am just not cut out for call centers. Talking on the phone all day...sucks! I have finished reading the Cleric Quintet by R.A. Salvatore and once again I am out of books. Thats okay Laurell K's new book comes out today... I can't wait to get my hands on it. Thats right I am a book worm. It is almost March and NightSiren will be celebrating a birthday soon. NIN on March 13, Bachlorette party for my friend Dana on March 18th, my cousins 19th b-day on March 20th, and then a wedding on March 25th! (Tattoo in April, I hope, any artistically inclined astronomers out there... if so help with my tattoo design!!) 

lets run away together
yes, yes, i know..i will be prepping the sets this week..i can only submit one at a time though