Alas another 8 hour day in call center hell. They keep making it harder and harder for me to fuck off at work. New quality crap, no more this, no more that. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I am trying to talk my friend into starting a business with me, because we both despise the feeling of being another meaningless cog in the corporate machine. I still want a new tattoo; I need to find a job where I can get paid to read books. I have read 15 books in 3 weeks. I could have read more, but I didn't have anymore money to spend to buy more. I also want a laptop so I can finish writing my first book and try against all odds to get published. I have also decided that in spite of having my SG application accepted that I do not want to be a Suicide Girl. Why? To many seem unhappy with the copyright issues, I can't blame them I took a copyright law in collage. Copyrights are long term and most girls will be old or deceased when the copyright expires and then ever heard of the public domain? Well once the copyright expires anyone can use your pictures anyway they see fit. Scary thought isn't it? I think I might still post pictures on my page but SG will never own my ass or any other part of my nude body. It is a personal choice and I am sure there are plenty of other girls who are more than willing to fill the bill. More power to you, your clit is bigger than mine. Hmmm...this entry is more spastic than most but....

I AM a parking space nazi.