Okay fine. So umm my life is boring yet mostly satisfying. My job sucks,they changed my hours again. My cat Nermal has fleas she gets to go to the vet tomorrow(which I can't afford). My son will be three in 9 days. I will be going to NIN on Halloween in Nashville. I really need/want/crave some new ink but I am to poor to get any. I cut off most of my hair (not that I had much). I love my new nip rings. Thinking I might get my lip pierced again, but I think I might be too old to pull it off (also might not be able to afford). I really need some "me" time. I want to go to a nice warm beach, drink margaritas, and look at the stars with my friend NS. 2 of my fav authors have books coming out this month and I can't afford them. So in short I am mostly happy, very broke, and can't keep a straight well thought out order to my journal entry.
I am proud of you little one. Good entry. Oh and I just found out C & J will be at NIN. Great, someone else we have to avoid....
someone else to stomp baby!