I hate being called a liar. I am not going to say I never do it but unless someone has undeniable proof don't just openly accuse me of it. I don't normally get bitchy in my posts but dammit! My wrath shall be heard! On more pleasant notes it has been 6 yrs since I have trained actively in Tae Kwon DO . Now that I am back in Hemet I have returned to my old dojon and surprisingly I don't suck ass at this. I feel a lot better now that I am doing stuff that feels productive. My promotion companie's first show is next month, My job is becoming less mindless, there is a chance of me getting the Teen Area Coordinator position at the library which is exactly what I want most right now. My SO is awesome and she has brought a hot friend over to hang out so i's pleased. My kittens are more sociable and all is well in the world (except for that lil infringement already discussed at the begininning of this post) and I am all caught up on the sets that I've missed so as usual lets give a big a huge Thank You to the girls, whether they are in Limbo, Hopefuls, or certifiable SG hottness. You all rock.
ltns. Someone reminded me we've spoke before. Wow. I barely remember the whisper of your presence in chat