i am still a putz. managed to completely screw up an otherwise incredible day(the day before my b-day) by being yeah you guessed it...STUPID. it all started by spending the entire morning smoochin' my new g/f and listening to finnish pagan rock. she has the most amazing claws. my whole back is still a happy red net. then we headed back to my rents place cuz they're gone for the week and i don't visit hemet very much. my father is a massage therapist so we busted out his goods and i gave her a full body for MY b-day. i love touching her like that. that night i was definitely goin out. i haven're really dressed up in ages and so knowing that there would be a goth band playing and a bunch of gothy friends would be there, i threw on my frilliest shirt put on my eyeshadow and liner did my hair(which is awesome lookin' long btw) put on my fadora and just as i was about to leave i realized 'ah crap parents took all the car keys w/them.' now i could have called a friend for a ride or walked or anything but nooooo, there's a set of keys to my sis car and she really wouldn't mind me borrowing it said the shoulder devil, so i head out the door confident that nothing could possibly go wrong. then i put in the key and turned. WRONG KEY! YOU EEEEDIOT! problem is now its stuck so i jimmy it a bit and the key breaks. AAAAHHHHH. needless to say i didn't go out and spent my whole b-day waiting for a true criminal, my cuz, to come and bail my ass out he said he'd be there that morning, he came at 6:30 pm. i am going back home today but i am not enirely sure how i am getting there since the g/f was my ride but i was supposed to find a ride back and haven't. right now it looks like my ex-fiancee is my best bet and thats just scary! things will get better but i am hoping its soon. school starts today and my schedule sux but its gone be even worse if i don't get to my first class. ahhh. if i just keep remembering how it hurts so good everything'll be fine.