Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been rather hoping that random people would end up reading my paper. So instead of not writing journals I'm just going to stick the link at the bottem of my next couple entries, unless people have a better idea.
aubli and I's move went well, though we still have to unpack. I love this place. It's big and has lots of windows and AC that I can control. The only problem with it at present is that it's very very dark. It has almost no built-in lights and I didn't realize, so we need to get lamps.
So I might be moving to England in January for work stuff. More on that later.
Went to Deepa's going-away party last night. Good times. Got to geek out about role-playing with aubli and Randy and Shakti's intoxicated little brother. Good times, that. I wish I got to hang out with Ranyd more than I do, he's an awesome guy.
htmweerdwun's set didn't make it, sad. It looks like she's getting nice feedback on her journal and on the SG hopeful's group though, so that's good. I thought it was an awesome set. Hopefully we'll try again soon.
I must put on pants and head to work, 'ta
aubli and I's move went well, though we still have to unpack. I love this place. It's big and has lots of windows and AC that I can control. The only problem with it at present is that it's very very dark. It has almost no built-in lights and I didn't realize, so we need to get lamps.
So I might be moving to England in January for work stuff. More on that later.
Went to Deepa's going-away party last night. Good times. Got to geek out about role-playing with aubli and Randy and Shakti's intoxicated little brother. Good times, that. I wish I got to hang out with Ranyd more than I do, he's an awesome guy.
htmweerdwun's set didn't make it, sad. It looks like she's getting nice feedback on her journal and on the SG hopeful's group though, so that's good. I thought it was an awesome set. Hopefully we'll try again soon.
I must put on pants and head to work, 'ta
edited to say, aha! it's because the "htm" part at the end, somehow magically appeared somewhere else in the entry, instead of staying at the end of the URL properly.
[Edited on Aug 21, 2005 11:11AM]
That paper I wrote, if you haen't seen it