Wednesday was fairly uneventful but in a good way. I got to talk to Victoria for a long while and that was cool. She's about the only really good thing to come out of me taking SLFK. Speaking of which, Thursday's class was...two different kinds of terrible. The first half was a bizarre activity, much like the guest lecture/activity we had before break, that is widely hailed as the worst activity ever conceived. So Rachel tried to emulate it and succeeded. Wee. Then we broke into small groups and talked about final project ideas. Our's is probably going to be collecting and comparing stories of violence or otherwise obvious tension between different groups at UVA (race, gender,social group, religion, etc) and see how different conflict types compare. So during this goths were mentioned and I heard just about the most insane attempts at describing what goth is that I've ever heard. Joey in particular mentioned her 'punk anarchist aquaintance' who 'has a ring through his nose that makes him look like a coy!'. ... I think I need to go into that class all gothed up. Though admittedly, while I have lots of things I like for clubbing and such, I don't have hardcore jackets and such like nifty people like Kim and Dan and such. Le sigh. Speaking of which, that night I got to go to the In Tenebris show at the Outback Lodge, which kicked ass not only because In Tenebris is awesome, but because I got to see all sorts of people I haven't seen in forever. I saw Dan and Tristan and that awesome short chick with the mohawk who's name I wish I knew. I was hoping Shakti and Rachel would show, but sadly, twas not the case. Hopefully everyone will be there on Friday. And I got to see Laura all dressed up, which I haven't in a long time. She always does nifty things with makeup. Today Laura and I hung out, and with Zach for a while. Then we went over to Nick and Morgan's, which was also cool due to seeing people I haven't seen in too long. Now I'm going to go fall uncontious because I have to wake up early and take Laura to a work thingy and then get started on Art homework. Three ink paintings of a tree. Uber-suk
Current Music: Sadame (Destiny) (5:55)
Current Music: Sadame (Destiny) (5:55)