hello everyone,I am going to ask a favor of you.My neice is trying to be the next BUD GIRL OF UTAH,she needs everyone to go to utahbudgirl search.com and vote for her under profiles her name is TIFFANY TAYLOR,there is no charge they just ask for an email .do this an you will recieve happiness and joy for at least a little while or a new puppy in the mail which ever comes first.and thats not all you can do it once a day to bring even more joy happiness .
More Blogs
Sunday Jun 19, 2011
The ex-wife and myself took the grandkids and their parents to see th… -
Thursday Mar 24, 2011
I really enjoy SG and enjoy being a member,I know most of you would n… -
Tuesday Feb 08, 2011
I`ve lost the key to my apartment,got home today and it wasn`t on my … -
Sunday Dec 26, 2010
cancelled my MYSPACE page today,I got phished, not sure what that mea… -
Friday Dec 03, 2010
Hibernation is coming maybe three weeks earlier than it should this y… -
Sunday Oct 03, 2010
Australian artist James Corbett is a artist that uses old car parts t… -
Friday Oct 01, 2010
work,work,work,I should be doing something more than work. -
Wednesday Sep 08, 2010
I went to the HERDING DOG CHAMPIONSHIPS last weekend, it was alot of … -
Monday Aug 30, 2010
hello everyone,I was hoping someone could help me here,seeing as I am… -
Wednesday Aug 18, 2010
I just wanted to say that I really enjoy my job,I`ve had many less th…