Well, I am still without a computer (those with an interest are invited to see the previous journal entry and note the repetition of the words "computer", "vicious", and "kicking"), so today's entry comes to you via the generousity of the MausFrau and her Apple laptop. It therefore seems fitting that the entry be about the mighty M.F. and one of her many malaprops.
Some number of you have wondered if M.F. really exits, whether there truly could be such a naif wandering the chilly, wind-swept wastes of the double en-tundra, so let me relate the following anecdote about M.F. at work.
Not too long ago, the dean's office at work had a bunch of us take the Myers-Briggs typology test. Of course, after we had our results, we were all acting like four-year-olds with a hammer and were explaining every little thing we did via our test scores ("Oh, well, I can really empathize with your feelings because I'm an INFP", "I prefer a goal-oriented protocol-based approach because I'm an ESTJ with an exceptionally strong 'J'", I'm good at problem-solving because of my "T", "I just know that I'm right because of my awesomely jazzy 'J'-itutde", and so forth).
Well, one day, not long after we had all taken the personality-type inventory, the deans were in M.F.'s office discussing some plans of some sort and weighing various options, and M.F. was introducing all sorts of new ideas, options, and such, when THE Dean, Attila, said to M.F., "Wow! You're really good at coming up with interesting ideas."
"Well," replied M.F., glowing a bit at the praise, "I'm able to see lots of options because of my exceptional "P"-ness."
Hilarity ensued.
Some number of you have wondered if M.F. really exits, whether there truly could be such a naif wandering the chilly, wind-swept wastes of the double en-tundra, so let me relate the following anecdote about M.F. at work.
Not too long ago, the dean's office at work had a bunch of us take the Myers-Briggs typology test. Of course, after we had our results, we were all acting like four-year-olds with a hammer and were explaining every little thing we did via our test scores ("Oh, well, I can really empathize with your feelings because I'm an INFP", "I prefer a goal-oriented protocol-based approach because I'm an ESTJ with an exceptionally strong 'J'", I'm good at problem-solving because of my "T", "I just know that I'm right because of my awesomely jazzy 'J'-itutde", and so forth).
Well, one day, not long after we had all taken the personality-type inventory, the deans were in M.F.'s office discussing some plans of some sort and weighing various options, and M.F. was introducing all sorts of new ideas, options, and such, when THE Dean, Attila, said to M.F., "Wow! You're really good at coming up with interesting ideas."
"Well," replied M.F., glowing a bit at the praise, "I'm able to see lots of options because of my exceptional "P"-ness."
Hilarity ensued.

maybe if you complement her "p"ness she'll let you borrow it more!