Whether M.F. and I still have sex is, of course, a matter of near universal interest on SG, and as a result of the many negative comments that I have made about the institution of marriage, the general consensus among the speculative is that the answer must surely be, "No!" I am sorry to say that the nay-sayers are correct in their supposition, though the cause for our abstention is nothing like what they might imagine. In the spirit of true confession, allow me relate to you my little tale of tail forever lost:
Several years ago, during a Christmas visit, while everyone else in the M.F. family was out at the store, my wife and I were taking the opportunity to have a fast and furious go at it, her on top and upright, at her parents' home when her father's old westie, now sadly deceased, entered the room, jumped onto the bed, ambled over, and sat down to watch us. M.F. had been pretty close to achieving orgasm when this occurred, so we kept going, trying the while to ignore the damned dog. Right when she was about to orgasm, the dog leaned in, wedged his ice-cold nose between our genitals, and took a sniff so big we could feel a cool, prickly draft.
He then jumped down and unconcernedly ambled out the half-opened door. I've been unable to function as a man ever since.
To this day, I swear my father-in-law had trained him to do that.
Several years ago, during a Christmas visit, while everyone else in the M.F. family was out at the store, my wife and I were taking the opportunity to have a fast and furious go at it, her on top and upright, at her parents' home when her father's old westie, now sadly deceased, entered the room, jumped onto the bed, ambled over, and sat down to watch us. M.F. had been pretty close to achieving orgasm when this occurred, so we kept going, trying the while to ignore the damned dog. Right when she was about to orgasm, the dog leaned in, wedged his ice-cold nose between our genitals, and took a sniff so big we could feel a cool, prickly draft.
He then jumped down and unconcernedly ambled out the half-opened door. I've been unable to function as a man ever since.
To this day, I swear my father-in-law had trained him to do that.

I love that story. I would've been scarred for life, always thinking that the dog looked at me funny from that point on.