My wife, M.F. -- who, incidentally, is co-editor of a book on problems in libraries -- and some friends were chuckling over the American Nudist Research Library and the sorts of problems that the librarians were likely to encounter there. Someone suggested that she ought to whip together another book on the problems to be faced at a nudist library. Several present, including myself, jocularly offered to author chapters.
I was thinking I could write a twenty-paged chapter comprised of the words "vinyl" and "sweaty" and "ass cheeks" repeated over and over and over, with one long, curly, black hair inserted between, say, the fifth and sixth pages.
I noticed on the library's site that many of their materials are bound in book covers or are stored in binders as a preservative measure. I don't know about you, but, to me, that just seems contrary to the whole spirit of the enterprise.
I was thinking I could write a twenty-paged chapter comprised of the words "vinyl" and "sweaty" and "ass cheeks" repeated over and over and over, with one long, curly, black hair inserted between, say, the fifth and sixth pages.
I noticed on the library's site that many of their materials are bound in book covers or are stored in binders as a preservative measure. I don't know about you, but, to me, that just seems contrary to the whole spirit of the enterprise.
Hello! I love this journal entry, and I love most of your comments on the boards. You could write a pamphlet about "The Air on your Spine" (I'll have to google for other bookbinding related terms).