Late this evening, while I was walking home from work, just stompin' along and doin' the cowboy polka (i.e., when the weather gets uncomfortably warm, my manner of striding makes me look a bit like an angry, saddle-sore, and slightly constipated cowboy . . . intra-thigh chafing's no laughing matter, boys and girls)
Er . . . where was I?
Right! So I was walking along, and I passed by one of my city's fascist puppy-mills (i.e., highschools) and noticed that it had a new, annoying, scrolling LED sign.
The sign was going through the school-related news of the day, of the week, of the month, and so forth, and then, as a finale of sorts, it displayed one of those inspirational slogans that we Americans like to use as a substitute for thought. The message was supposed to read, in two rows:
Effort -- even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!
However, there was apparently some sort of glitch in the sign, and it kept getting stuck toward the end so that it read:
you'll get run over
just sit there!
Horrible person that I am, that made me smile all of the rest of the way home.
Er . . . where was I?
Right! So I was walking along, and I passed by one of my city's fascist puppy-mills (i.e., highschools) and noticed that it had a new, annoying, scrolling LED sign.
The sign was going through the school-related news of the day, of the week, of the month, and so forth, and then, as a finale of sorts, it displayed one of those inspirational slogans that we Americans like to use as a substitute for thought. The message was supposed to read, in two rows:
Effort -- even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!
However, there was apparently some sort of glitch in the sign, and it kept getting stuck toward the end so that it read:
you'll get run over
just sit there!
Horrible person that I am, that made me smile all of the rest of the way home.

ouch. that car crash must have been painful, huh?

Ahha, that's great. You always have th most amusing journal entries. We never had an LED scrollig sign but we did have the one where you had to put the letters up. Our problem was that people would randomly steal the letters or they bought some and would change it around at night. You never quite knew what the sign was going to say the next day. Some changes were quite obvious, some were very subtle.