Last Sunday, before I went to work, M.F., my wife, and I were having a desultory conversation, while dispiritedly choking down a tasteless fastfood meal at McDonalds, about how we really don't know many interesting people here or have many interesting experiences. Most of the people we know are people we work with, and they're mostly sticks in the mud.
So, later that day, while taking my dinner break, I decided to follow along behind this interesting-looking woman I happened to see, rather than have another McMeal, on the off chance she might be heading somewhere that would also be interesting. She was sort of a plain woman, but she was very nattily dressed and was wearing a really odd hat. It was a wide brimmed hat that kind of resembled a half-sized top hat that got wider as it went upward, like something the Mad Hatter would wear.
So I was following along behind her, wondering what sort of interesting place she might be headed toward, when she turned into a Wendy's and ordered a cheeseburger meal! Wendy's?
Sooooooo.....I'm pretty sure there's some sort of comic epiphany in there somewhere, but the whole experience was just sort of dispiriting to want to follow through.
When I got home, I told my cats, Fishfork & Birdcup, this story and asked them if they could come up with a good moral for it. Fishfork said, "Shhhh! Can't you see we're watching tigers on Animal Planet?"
"C'mon," I said. "I got nothing here."
"What do I look like?" Birdcup groused. "William Bennett? Why don't you go fix us a couple of tuna salad sandwiches? We're watching tigers!"
"How about something about how we're all the same underneath or..." I offered.
Fishfork cut me off with, "How about, 'Whether they're round or square, burgers are all just ground beef . . . mostly'?"
"Or how about," Birdcup offered, "'You can't judge a book by its cover...'cause books are stupid'?"
"Or," Fishfork added, "How about you go make us those tuna salad sandwiches? We're watching tigers, here! Tigers!
So, I guess I've got no funny moral to sum things up with this time around. Feel free to suggest your own, assuming, of course, that you can take a break from your busy tiger-watching schedule.
So, later that day, while taking my dinner break, I decided to follow along behind this interesting-looking woman I happened to see, rather than have another McMeal, on the off chance she might be heading somewhere that would also be interesting. She was sort of a plain woman, but she was very nattily dressed and was wearing a really odd hat. It was a wide brimmed hat that kind of resembled a half-sized top hat that got wider as it went upward, like something the Mad Hatter would wear.
So I was following along behind her, wondering what sort of interesting place she might be headed toward, when she turned into a Wendy's and ordered a cheeseburger meal! Wendy's?
Sooooooo.....I'm pretty sure there's some sort of comic epiphany in there somewhere, but the whole experience was just sort of dispiriting to want to follow through.
When I got home, I told my cats, Fishfork & Birdcup, this story and asked them if they could come up with a good moral for it. Fishfork said, "Shhhh! Can't you see we're watching tigers on Animal Planet?"
"C'mon," I said. "I got nothing here."
"What do I look like?" Birdcup groused. "William Bennett? Why don't you go fix us a couple of tuna salad sandwiches? We're watching tigers!"
"How about something about how we're all the same underneath or..." I offered.
Fishfork cut me off with, "How about, 'Whether they're round or square, burgers are all just ground beef . . . mostly'?"
"Or how about," Birdcup offered, "'You can't judge a book by its cover...'cause books are stupid'?"
"Or," Fishfork added, "How about you go make us those tuna salad sandwiches? We're watching tigers, here! Tigers!

So, I guess I've got no funny moral to sum things up with this time around. Feel free to suggest your own, assuming, of course, that you can take a break from your busy tiger-watching schedule.

Thanks for responding positively to my "Wanna be friends?" request.
yeah, but he's the only one i've got...