I'm afeared that my wife, M.F., must be dying from some horrible, unknown disease, such as you might only see on one of the later episodes of "Little House on the Prairie"!
You see, today, after a long day at work (I had to work on a Sunday, and she came in with me to finish some work and get some of her classwork done), we stopped by the neighborhood grocery, where we purchased some staples AND some chewy, chocolate chocolate-chip cookies!!!
Afterward, when we'd brought our items home, while she was putting the other things away, I stuffed a bunch of the cookies in my mouth and, during the ensuing processed-sugar high, began dancing around in a hip-gyrating fashion that would make any man begin to doubt his heterosexuality.
"Hey, Check it out, MausFrau!" I said, "I'm livin' "La Vida Cocoa!"
Instead, M.F. tiredly glanced up and said, "Are you going downstairs? Could you get my green corduroys? I think they're still hanging up down there."
No laughing! No snorting! No red mouse-face!
I can't imagine what's wrong, but it must be something fatal !!!

You see, today, after a long day at work (I had to work on a Sunday, and she came in with me to finish some work and get some of her classwork done), we stopped by the neighborhood grocery, where we purchased some staples AND some chewy, chocolate chocolate-chip cookies!!!
Afterward, when we'd brought our items home, while she was putting the other things away, I stuffed a bunch of the cookies in my mouth and, during the ensuing processed-sugar high, began dancing around in a hip-gyrating fashion that would make any man begin to doubt his heterosexuality.
"Hey, Check it out, MausFrau!" I said, "I'm livin' "La Vida Cocoa!"

Instead, M.F. tiredly glanced up and said, "Are you going downstairs? Could you get my green corduroys? I think they're still hanging up down there."
No laughing! No snorting! No red mouse-face!

I can't imagine what's wrong, but it must be something fatal !!!

Thanks for welcoming me back!