Good evening, friends. Fatboy here once again, contemplating my mere existence. I have a funeral to go to tomorrow....BLAH! Funerals are SOOOO fucking depressing. One would think that after 65 billion years on this rock humans would accept certain aspects as unchangable truths: fire burns you, you cant control the weather, theres always gonna be one person in this world that doesn't like you, and guess what......YOU'RE GONNNA DIE! So why do we still make such a big deal about it? Death is a major part of life. It doesn't change. As a matter of fact, its probably one of my favorite factors in life, but only because its one of the only things that doesn't care who you are. It's been called the great equalizer, because no one is immune to it. The young, the old, the rich, the poor, black, white, hispanic, purple, green, blue with grey polka dots, it doesn't matter. Our time in this world is fleeting. We all knew that from day one. And still when it occurs we all fdreak the fuck out............I just don't understand it. O well, C'est la vie, i suppose. i guess thats it for right now. I'll prolly be back later to let ya'll know how it went. Until then be good to one another and always remember...............Bad karma is a bitch and a half.
Fatboy out
Fatboy out