Fatboy here.......with a lil piece of advice for all of you: If u ever hear a barn owl hooting outside your house for more than one consecutive night, find a shotgun and blow its fucking head off! Now I'm not mean towards animals or anything like that, but nothing good can happen when they are around. A couple of months ago, i was talking to my coworker, lets call him larry, and "larry" was telling me about a superstition in mexico. Most of his family believes that barn owls are used as a witch's familiar (an animal or creature sent to do their bidding, or an incarnation of the witch itself) and anytime one is around bad shits gonna happen. This got me thinking about when i used to live with my ex in arizona. Things were great between me and her. It was a very beautiful relationship. About three months into it, I noticed a barn owl outside our apartment balcony. I remember thinking to myself "Hmm, never thought I'd see a barn owl in arizona" and then went about thinking nothing of it..........that is until the aforementioned discussion with "larry". You see, about three months into the relationship, everything went to shit. We no longer trusted one another, we fought almost constantly shit like that. And "larry" went about telling me of his own personal encounters with the vile creatures and those of his friends. Now, I'm not a very superstitious person, but I know what I know, and that is those creatures bring bad shit upon people. Need more proof? Well, ask me later. I have yet another example, but that is a story for another time. I've gone on long enuff as it is. Just remember my warning.....You would do well to heed it.
Fatboy out
Fatboy out