Raining until Tuesday! Good thing I have no plans
- The Leaves Fall Black -
In the grey of autumn of cold winds flow
The leaves fall black in a deathly glow
The gentle tumble of leaf skies dead
As the trees wither and their life is shed
The cruel waning of black leaves dying
Falling like tears do the leaves like crying
The leaves fall black in a dead procession
One by one to the ground, their graveyard bastion
The leaves fall black in dark rain falling
Like blood on my lips the taste is arousing
The leaves fall black in the darkest of night
In the final throws of life their deathgasm does excite

- The Leaves Fall Black -
In the grey of autumn of cold winds flow
The leaves fall black in a deathly glow
The gentle tumble of leaf skies dead
As the trees wither and their life is shed
The cruel waning of black leaves dying
Falling like tears do the leaves like crying
The leaves fall black in a dead procession
One by one to the ground, their graveyard bastion
The leaves fall black in dark rain falling
Like blood on my lips the taste is arousing
The leaves fall black in the darkest of night
In the final throws of life their deathgasm does excite
I am surrounded by a White Christmas' allure,
The tall trees moan and sway just as though to faint and die,
Instead of sharp needles ascending to the snow-filled sky,
The forest looks as if made of sagging wet green fur,
It is only in this chilling crisp air that I could,
Clearly hear branches, small and large alike, bend and snap,
The proverbial sole straw breaking the camel's back,
A single flake shattering the mighty limbs of wood,
They tumble like two-ton feathers through the canopy,
Returning to muddy Gaia, to our mother Earth,
Converting back to the nutrients that gave them birth,
Retrogenesis, a fate awaiting you and me,
Old poem I never finished. Send some of your rain my way. I miss the rain.