hmm. recently saw donnie darko for the first time. why did this movie escape me until now I have no iea.
going to providence on tuesday, then off to chicago wed. and thurs. luxt friday. next week promises some very good things.
You're still enjoined to go see luxt on their national tour at a venue near you.
going to providence on tuesday, then off to chicago wed. and thurs. luxt friday. next week promises some very good things.
You're still enjoined to go see luxt on their national tour at a venue near you.
sounds like you've been having an interesting time. Definitely going to take you up on the beers and story time though. Not sure when we are coming out. We were going to be coming for the River Rave cuz SG was gonna send Kiscica and Isobel for free, but looks like that might fall through because the concert is limiting them too much. Oh well, would have been cool, but we can't afford to go unless its free.
We'll definitely make plans to come down and hang soon though.

my friends introduced me to DD last year, i loved it. jake and maggie gylenhhal were a solid find, it's great to see their careers doing well (not to mention gary lundy whos' moving slower but definitely in a good direction). its funny, but i enjoyed the unknown (at the time) actors performances much better than the named people.