The strongest word of condemnation in the the relativist vocabulary seems to be "questionable." The conference on Holocaust denial in Tehran is "questionable." As though Holocaust denial "might be bad." We don't know. We're not sure. The best we can say is that some people seem to find it objectionable. We're going to call it "questionable" to be safe, in case we're wrong... in case we might offend someone, like neo-nazis, islamic fascists, and professors of comparative literative. We have to be inclusive after all. And in any case, there are no facts in history, just narratives and interpretations. It's their version of reality. Assertions of fact are just attempts to exercise power over those with "alternative" conceptions of reality.
Come on guys. Even liberals can object to holocaust denial as they hold hands around the camp fire singing kumbaya.
Come on guys. Even liberals can object to holocaust denial as they hold hands around the camp fire singing kumbaya.
Here's more: Finnish SGs