So I am sitting here "studying", with vodka 7, decicded i am not likeing what I am studying, my mind starts drifting, I am think about what the fuck is up with society, as I was riding around today, I see very little culture evreyone seems to be in some way the same, at the school I go to anyway, I see a huge political war going on to were it is almost violent, Yeah I hate our current president, but no matter what my picture is I will listen to other peoples opinions, I won't throw down right there, evrey one is entitled to there own opionions, the best thing to do is to try to show them the other side of things, also so my ex gf came to get the last of her stuff tonight, it hurt alot, i feel like i have no one to talk to about shit going, so that sucked, but i did go for a cruise around town listened to a litttle WEASEL and rise against and had a blast. so there is my scattered journal, think what you think, also I am still planning on moving to mnpls in Jan, and want to get an SG event going any suggestions welcome
bottoms up
bottoms up