Soyeah, it finaly happened. My girl popped, and now I have a beautiful daughter, named Anora.
She was born on the 29th of April at 2:11pm, she drew her first breath weighing in at 7lbs 7ounces and 21 inches from head to toes, which r very long and monkey like, like mine. Unfortunately she was also suffering from meconium asperation, a form of pnemonia, so she was quickly transfer from Boulder Community Foothills Hospital to the level 3 neonatal intensive care unit at childrens hospital denver. She has responded well to anti-biotics and oxygen. Everyday there has been fewer wires/IVs/sensors attached to our little girl. Hopefully the doctors have the right of it and we will be discharged from the hospital after only one week, which will be late wednesday/early thursday. Until then here are some pics of our beautiful daughter...
Anora and I
Anora, myself, and my better half, Aleksa
Beautiful Anora

She was born on the 29th of April at 2:11pm, she drew her first breath weighing in at 7lbs 7ounces and 21 inches from head to toes, which r very long and monkey like, like mine. Unfortunately she was also suffering from meconium asperation, a form of pnemonia, so she was quickly transfer from Boulder Community Foothills Hospital to the level 3 neonatal intensive care unit at childrens hospital denver. She has responded well to anti-biotics and oxygen. Everyday there has been fewer wires/IVs/sensors attached to our little girl. Hopefully the doctors have the right of it and we will be discharged from the hospital after only one week, which will be late wednesday/early thursday. Until then here are some pics of our beautiful daughter...

Anora and I

Anora, myself, and my better half, Aleksa

Beautiful Anora
seems like she will be home before you know it!