Ha, wow, what a crazy past few weeks... I got a new snowboard, a K2 AfterBlack 160 with K2 Formula MA Bindings
I still need boots though, bumping chairs don't pay that much. It is an absolutely sick Board setup, crisp and responsive with lots of pop. Thats unfortunetly it on the postive news...
I busted my tail bone really really hard on tuesday last week, still fucking sore today. Everytime I cough, land on my ass again or even stand up it hurts. Oh and coughing, between a cold and being a pothead, I cough alot. Which brings us to point number two: I have a cold, not a nice little runny nose BS cold, no, I got hack your lungs out, can't smoke a cigarette, running a fever of 102 cold. My fever actually broke last night around 2:30 in the morning, so today I went to Eldo to ride on my day off
I'm bright like that. Got in several AWSOME runs hardly fell at all, read twice in five runs, which really helped since I never jammed my tailbone today. I don't want to go to work tomorrow but I will.

I busted my tail bone really really hard on tuesday last week, still fucking sore today. Everytime I cough, land on my ass again or even stand up it hurts. Oh and coughing, between a cold and being a pothead, I cough alot. Which brings us to point number two: I have a cold, not a nice little runny nose BS cold, no, I got hack your lungs out, can't smoke a cigarette, running a fever of 102 cold. My fever actually broke last night around 2:30 in the morning, so today I went to Eldo to ride on my day off

I'm bright like that. Got in several AWSOME runs hardly fell at all, read twice in five runs, which really helped since I never jammed my tailbone today. I don't want to go to work tomorrow but I will.