As I left Miami last week, I develpoed an ingrown hair on my upper left lip. Normally this is no big, but iy happened as I was driving, for almost 1100 miles. I picked at it, nervous habit, and it got infected. I had to stop in Northern Georgia to try and get some better care for it(Tweazers, h2o2, and neosporin) I cleaned the area thouroghly, and got the hair yanked, and many around it. It would heal up a little, then get a little worse, till thursday... Then while trying to drain the infection I caused an absece on the inside of my cheek. Friday morning I called my family doctor got an apointment for later that day, he gave me a script for some Anti-Biotic and said "If you develope a fever, go to the hospital". Cool, I'll take these pills and be done with it, except now there is a largiish ball of nasty shit inside my cheek, but it doesn't hurt and I could still drain it a little. So onto saturday, I feel ok all day. Until 8:30pm anyway, then I started having cold chills, but I was sweating... Sure sign of a fever, so I take my temp 100.9*F, yep I have a fever. But I don't want to go to the hospital yet, so I went to the closest Urgent Care, they shot me in the butt with some more Anti-biotics, and my fever broke almost immediately, so they sent me home with some tynlonol-3 w/codine, and said come back monday and we'll check you out again. Ok, this will take care of it. Onto Sunday, my face still hurts, in fact it feels like my face is bursting off my face, it hurt, alot. Took 2 T3s pain stopped, cool. It continued like this every 4 fours, all day. By 11pm, my face HURTS, after just 3 hours, so I take another, and wash it down with a stiff drink, bad idea, get half buzzed between all that and some ganja. By 1:30a I'm in excrutiating pain, want to go to the hospital, but I'm still not sober enough to drive at quarter till 2(Bar close). FUCK! My face is about to explode off my face, the sore inside my cheek is the size of a small marble. Well I finally sobered up enough to trust myself not to get a third DUI, go to the ER. They get me processed in, everyone thinking I got punch, my face was so swollen. In the ER, they started an IV, took 4 tubes of my blood, and started to dump
Vancomycin into my body, and some morphin for the pain. About 5am they wake me up and tell me that I'm being admitted to the hospital, WTF!! Admitted, just pump me some drugs and let me go! So anyway, I'm lucid on the morphine, but they keep me plugged into an IV tree dripping me Vanco and the occassional syrnge full of morph, read while awake(no puter) got a CAT scan & Chest X-Ray, watched some gawd awful TV show, The Closer on TNT, all day marathon. Its like a bad remake of Matlock, anyway, I was FUCKED UP!, at one point the nurse was talking about the third bag vanco she was putting into me and said that "yeah, this drug is a last resort" and "you're lucky you didn't die" HUH?! WHAT!? DIE!!! Hold the fuck on!! Yeah, my infection was that resistant and close to my brain, which meant if it had gotten into my blood... WOW. Wow, get some more sleep, more antibiotics, I forget what, some more morphine. My mom came to visit on tuesday morning brought me my puter. Awsome. I could contact the world... No Internet. FUCK! I played games all day, the swelling in my face went down alot, and I wasn't in nearly as much pain, the doctor/nurses still didn't know when I would get out, he want an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor to look me. He did today(wednesday) finally looked me over and how much drugs had been put into me, said I could go, but to stop past his office later in the day to have the lump in my cheek checked to see if there was an open absece inside it, since the CAT scan wasn't conclusive. So yeah, I got out of the Hospital today at 12:30pm... 60 hours, 1200cc of Vanco, 3 vials of Morphine, 500cc of that other A/B @ the hospital later. Then went back to Xenia to go see the ENT Dr, he wants to numb my face then stick me with a biggun... 22g Needle

even after getting numbed, THAT FUCKER HURT!!
Lesson learned-- Don't pick at scabs/ingrown hairs!! It could KILL you!