The joys of a lazy saturday...
I get to clean
I don't want to, but I need to.
But then I'm going to Competion Karting. Kart racing FTW!
In other news...
My Jetta is still broken. I can't figure out whats wrong with the fucking thing. Its got a fueling/ignition problem that is driving me nuts. I've replaced the Coilpack($250), Alternator($265), Plug wires($130), MAF($250), and spark plugs(3x$30). I've also ordered a VAG-Com Cable(finally) so I'll be able to access the cars computer myself.
The Rabbit is getting parts
I've got a full suspension and Cam on the way
I get to clean

But then I'm going to Competion Karting. Kart racing FTW!
In other news...
My Jetta is still broken. I can't figure out whats wrong with the fucking thing. Its got a fueling/ignition problem that is driving me nuts. I've replaced the Coilpack($250), Alternator($265), Plug wires($130), MAF($250), and spark plugs(3x$30). I've also ordered a VAG-Com Cable(finally) so I'll be able to access the cars computer myself.
The Rabbit is getting parts

i loved it but the cost of parts and finding ppl to work on it when my hubbie couldnt do it was hopeless
so rest in peace jedi rider ( my nick for the car)
we ended up buying a ford focus becuase of cheaper parts and easy to work on it
good luck with ur rabbit
ps my dream is a golf GTI