WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have I mentioned lately that I'm sick of my fucking job? Every day I have to fix the errors that everyone else has created... So yeah for a 10 hour day, 4 of which was spent trying to get everything from this weekend straightened out. Now, I wouldn't mind doing this if I was in charge, but I'm a fucking peon. I've spent 6 years pissing away the college degree I have. Yes I'm doing something that uses my degree, but fuckin a I want more. More power, more authority, more pay, more responsibility. I talked with my manageer about this a few days ago and he said that it was my "lack of professional bearing" that was holding me back... Namely the fact that I'm a pot head. So I've cut down the amount I've been smoking lately, and not smoking on the drive to work, not smoking at work. He also mentioned my appearance... my long hair and occassional lack of shaving, but WTF? 70% of our "guests" are fucking truck drivers, which I truely to dislike. However this hasn't affected my work standard, it hasn't stopped me from being the best front desk employee there. I'm feeling the same way I've felt about all my jobs, that I'm being held back from my potential just so that my manager has a solid employee they can count on day in and day out, cause thats what I am. I will be at work on time evryday, i will do the best job i can everyday, I double check the daily paper works just to ensure that there aren't any timebombs waiting to blow, I act as MOD as neccesary to help management. I do all these things because thatss what I went to svhool for and don't want to loose anymore knowledge through non-use. But do I get rewarded? Do I see a Bonus at the end of the year? Do I feel wanted, that work is glad I show up everday doing a damn fine job, every fucking day? The answer to all these questions is NO. So why do I stay? I haven't been able to find another job, because I don't wan t a stinking job here in the Miami Valley. I want the fuck out. Out of YS, Out of ohio, and some days out of this fucking country. But no-one will hire someone from out of state, I couldn't even get a fucking job at the hotel i used to work at in Pittsburgh, because I lived 4 hours away. Which of course leaves me in a catch 22, I can't afford to move without something lined up before I go, but I can't get a job without going. WTF??
Thats my beef... Had to get it off my chest, thanks for listening.
Have I mentioned lately that I'm sick of my fucking job? Every day I have to fix the errors that everyone else has created... So yeah for a 10 hour day, 4 of which was spent trying to get everything from this weekend straightened out. Now, I wouldn't mind doing this if I was in charge, but I'm a fucking peon. I've spent 6 years pissing away the college degree I have. Yes I'm doing something that uses my degree, but fuckin a I want more. More power, more authority, more pay, more responsibility. I talked with my manageer about this a few days ago and he said that it was my "lack of professional bearing" that was holding me back... Namely the fact that I'm a pot head. So I've cut down the amount I've been smoking lately, and not smoking on the drive to work, not smoking at work. He also mentioned my appearance... my long hair and occassional lack of shaving, but WTF? 70% of our "guests" are fucking truck drivers, which I truely to dislike. However this hasn't affected my work standard, it hasn't stopped me from being the best front desk employee there. I'm feeling the same way I've felt about all my jobs, that I'm being held back from my potential just so that my manager has a solid employee they can count on day in and day out, cause thats what I am. I will be at work on time evryday, i will do the best job i can everyday, I double check the daily paper works just to ensure that there aren't any timebombs waiting to blow, I act as MOD as neccesary to help management. I do all these things because thatss what I went to svhool for and don't want to loose anymore knowledge through non-use. But do I get rewarded? Do I see a Bonus at the end of the year? Do I feel wanted, that work is glad I show up everday doing a damn fine job, every fucking day? The answer to all these questions is NO. So why do I stay? I haven't been able to find another job, because I don't wan t a stinking job here in the Miami Valley. I want the fuck out. Out of YS, Out of ohio, and some days out of this fucking country. But no-one will hire someone from out of state, I couldn't even get a fucking job at the hotel i used to work at in Pittsburgh, because I lived 4 hours away. Which of course leaves me in a catch 22, I can't afford to move without something lined up before I go, but I can't get a job without going. WTF??
Thats my beef... Had to get it off my chest, thanks for listening.
i love my american hubbie i love alot about the states i like alot about the states
and then there is shit that pisses me off til no end
the appearance thing
if you are good at what u do it doesnt matter id uve got long hair piercings or tattooes
being from europe where people can see past above mentioned and see you for yuour competens and ability
and thanks for the comment dude
yeah i got myself pretty bad
i cant believe it happened of my inlaws frontsteps
i went snowboarding for a good 15 hours that weekend and not a scratch
but hey you are right could have been worse
like both feet holy shit man double sucky
and work wise do what u do best
good things will come to you