Wow, I can't believe it's been a week since my last post... And what a fucked up week its been.
I haven't heard a word about the job in Pittsburgh. Which is kinda disheartening, but I'm still optomistic. Now this isn't that big, new job woohoo, but it affects my living situation in a major way. I'm currently back at my moms and all my stuff is in storage, and OMFG I didn't want to move back home.
And the reason I'm at home, and the major source of this weeks stress, is that my best friend and I got into a very heated arguement, both lost some blood, and now aren't talking to each other. WTFH? Do I have a sign on my back that says "Hey add to my stress level"? I have foregiven her and she hasn't foregiven me and I honestly don't see that happening any time soon. Which is sad, i miss my buddy.
And lastly my car, my Jetta to be exact, is done, again, for the third time. I just want it to be fixed. I don't even want to drive it home from the shop tomorrow, the cities around here haven't gotten to use their salt trucks so they are going a lot overboard with salting the damn roads. But I will, and then put her away till the next nice days.
On the brighter side of things... I have 4 consecutive days off at the end of the month and I am planning on a vacation, I just don't know where to. I'm open to suggestions. My current thoughts are: Vancouver, Florida, cali or skiing in West Virginia/Pennsylvania. I have family in Central Cal(SanFran) and friends in Florida. I know no-one in BC, and I can ski,well actually Snowboard, just fine by myself, thank you very much. What to do, What to do.
I haven't heard a word about the job in Pittsburgh. Which is kinda disheartening, but I'm still optomistic. Now this isn't that big, new job woohoo, but it affects my living situation in a major way. I'm currently back at my moms and all my stuff is in storage, and OMFG I didn't want to move back home.
And the reason I'm at home, and the major source of this weeks stress, is that my best friend and I got into a very heated arguement, both lost some blood, and now aren't talking to each other. WTFH? Do I have a sign on my back that says "Hey add to my stress level"? I have foregiven her and she hasn't foregiven me and I honestly don't see that happening any time soon. Which is sad, i miss my buddy.
And lastly my car, my Jetta to be exact, is done, again, for the third time. I just want it to be fixed. I don't even want to drive it home from the shop tomorrow, the cities around here haven't gotten to use their salt trucks so they are going a lot overboard with salting the damn roads. But I will, and then put her away till the next nice days.
On the brighter side of things... I have 4 consecutive days off at the end of the month and I am planning on a vacation, I just don't know where to. I'm open to suggestions. My current thoughts are: Vancouver, Florida, cali or skiing in West Virginia/Pennsylvania. I have family in Central Cal(SanFran) and friends in Florida. I know no-one in BC, and I can ski,well actually Snowboard, just fine by myself, thank you very much. What to do, What to do.
and you're right... i'll have to give that a try...and i appreciate you...
you are one of the few people that actually talk to me..
i am mostly bitter b/c when i was in a relationship with 'that person' who i happened to meet here, i had so many friends...i was i guess kinda popular, in a sense..then when this person and i broke up, it was displayed all over SG, all the nastiness he had to say... and like a divorce, people chose sides and it wasn't in my favor.
it was a nasty mess, that i'm sure i brought on alot of...but my other so-called friends on here had nothing to do with it. i've just been hurt a long time and haven't said much about it in a long time...
it's been a couple years now. it just hurts
i love this site, and i want to stay... i've tried to make new friends on here... and i'm glad you are one of them.