What a long and Iso filled weekend!!!
Thursady night I had the pleasure of going to my favorite nightclubs, Matrix. I had the company of both Iso and velvetwench. It was not as fun as we had hoped but seeing drinks knocked over by boobs, ass grabbing, and drunken staring was pretty entertaining. We left after an hour or so and set our sights on The Cricket. A five dollar cover charge changed that idea and returned back to the South Side for some good eats. Not an overly exciting night but a blast none-the-less.
Slept in Friday morning...something that I don't get to do that often and it was much needed. That afternoon my travels took me to Meadville, PA to see Dog Fashion Disco. I have never heard this band before but Iso and pskank assured me that I would have a good time. After realizing that we were the oldest ones there and hearing some bad local hardcore, we took over a local bar and had fun scaring the locals. I will have to say that Dog Fashion Disco put on such an amazing live show. There was much dancing a thrashing. Hopefully there will be some pics posted. Mad thanks to my partners in crime for such an awesome night.
Saturday took me back to Pittsburgh for visiting of my old house and roomie. It makes me sad to go back there, but gives me motivation to get another place with company that makes me

Saturday night I was asked to resuce the damsel in distress and I love playing that role. After 30 minutes or so I finally found a parking space by one of my favorite blues bars The Blue Note Cafe....GO THERE for good blues and good food. Next was The Lava Lounge where we rocked out to "She-Bop" and other songs of quality. We traded hardcore dances and started a search for something more Irish. Finnigan's Wake was the last stop for some amazing Guinness and a really strong Whiskey Sour. I eneded up driving all the way back to Erie and got back around 4AM. It was all so worth it. Thank you so much...you are amazing.
Today was my realaxation day. I slept in, took in some mini-putt and followed it up with "Snakes on a Plane." GO SEE THIS MOVIE...IT"S SO AWESOMELY BAD!!!!!
All in all it was an amzing weekend. I am now in the process of looking for a new apartment or house. Either in Erie or Pittsburgh. It all depends on work and money. All that matters is that there can be puppies and bunnies and really that is all one could ask for..
I am looking forward to the next few months. I am meeting new awesome people and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the last few months.
I know that some of this is vague and there is a reason for that. Those who know me know where my heart lies.
"It's so crazy it just may work."
Song of the day.....
"Little Black Backpack" by Stroke 9
Quote of the Day...
"I wanna wake up naked next to you, kissing the curve in your clavicle
Thursady night I had the pleasure of going to my favorite nightclubs, Matrix. I had the company of both Iso and velvetwench. It was not as fun as we had hoped but seeing drinks knocked over by boobs, ass grabbing, and drunken staring was pretty entertaining. We left after an hour or so and set our sights on The Cricket. A five dollar cover charge changed that idea and returned back to the South Side for some good eats. Not an overly exciting night but a blast none-the-less.
Slept in Friday morning...something that I don't get to do that often and it was much needed. That afternoon my travels took me to Meadville, PA to see Dog Fashion Disco. I have never heard this band before but Iso and pskank assured me that I would have a good time. After realizing that we were the oldest ones there and hearing some bad local hardcore, we took over a local bar and had fun scaring the locals. I will have to say that Dog Fashion Disco put on such an amazing live show. There was much dancing a thrashing. Hopefully there will be some pics posted. Mad thanks to my partners in crime for such an awesome night.
Saturday took me back to Pittsburgh for visiting of my old house and roomie. It makes me sad to go back there, but gives me motivation to get another place with company that makes me

Saturday night I was asked to resuce the damsel in distress and I love playing that role. After 30 minutes or so I finally found a parking space by one of my favorite blues bars The Blue Note Cafe....GO THERE for good blues and good food. Next was The Lava Lounge where we rocked out to "She-Bop" and other songs of quality. We traded hardcore dances and started a search for something more Irish. Finnigan's Wake was the last stop for some amazing Guinness and a really strong Whiskey Sour. I eneded up driving all the way back to Erie and got back around 4AM. It was all so worth it. Thank you so much...you are amazing.
Today was my realaxation day. I slept in, took in some mini-putt and followed it up with "Snakes on a Plane." GO SEE THIS MOVIE...IT"S SO AWESOMELY BAD!!!!!
All in all it was an amzing weekend. I am now in the process of looking for a new apartment or house. Either in Erie or Pittsburgh. It all depends on work and money. All that matters is that there can be puppies and bunnies and really that is all one could ask for..

I am looking forward to the next few months. I am meeting new awesome people and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the last few months.
I know that some of this is vague and there is a reason for that. Those who know me know where my heart lies.
"It's so crazy it just may work."
Song of the day.....
"Little Black Backpack" by Stroke 9
Quote of the Day...
"I wanna wake up naked next to you, kissing the curve in your clavicle
I'm glad she's happy. Remember that.
Velvet Wench